Faster, More Dramatic Treatment Outcomes
Our professional, clinical peel treatments from PCA Skin stimulate gentle, healthy change deep in the skin. You will achieve maximum results with minimum downtime. We follow the the progressive, not aggressive treatment philosophy. By treating the skin gently and infusing it with beneficial nourishing and strengthening ingredients during professional treatments, you will consistently see faster, more dramatic treatment outcomes.
Chemical Peel FAQ'S
What do chemical peels treat?
Chemical peel treatments are aimed at treating common skin concerns and complaints including rosacea, pigmentation, melasma, photodamage and premature aging as well as oily and enlarged pores, acne and acne scarring. Professionally applied peel solutions exfoliate dead skin cells and help healthy skin cells rise to the surface. These treatments allow deeper layers of fresh and untouched skin to be revealed. We work with all skin types and conditions and will work with you to meet your skin goals!
How do I prepare for the treatment?
If you are using a prescribed exfoliant such as Retin-A®, Renova®, Differin®, Tazorac®, Avage® or a high percentage Glycolic Acid product, discontinue use for approximately 10 days prior to your chemical peel. If you are taking a prescribed acne medication, such as Accutane, you must discontinue use for at least 6 months prior to a chemical peel. Please consult your physician before discontinuing the use of any prescription medication. Skin that is balanced and healthy will help reduce the risk of complications and typically lead to better treatment results. Preparation for your chemical peel with homecare may be required for 14-28 days prior to some peels. Using professional daily care products in the weeks before your chemical peel is an important step in preparing your skin and ensuring excellent results.
How many treatments are recommended?
A course of 3-6 peel treatments is typically recommended, depending on your skin requirements. The result of monthly treatments can even skin tone, clear acne, improve the appearance of aging skin and make dull complexions glow.
What will I look like?
You will not look like Samantha from Sex in the City!! Today, chemical peels are formulated to preserve, promote and protect healthy skin, regardless of whether visible exfoliation is seen following the treatment. Most frequently, exfoliation is at a cellular level and not appearing to the naked eye. Peels are available in different levels, with lower level peels usually requiring little to no downtime. On the other hand, higher level peels can cause moderate to severe skin flaking.
What is the downtime?
PCA Skin Chemical Peels leave you with a healthy glow, not bright red. We ask that you do not wash your face for at least 6 hours (or overnight). No activities that cause overheating (exercise, saunas, hot tubs, sun exposure, etc.) for 24 hours. They also have minimal downtime. Some guests schedule treatments during their lunch break!
What is the aftercare?
A post-care kit will be given to you after your first chemical peel appointment. Post-treatment products are designed to be used after a chemical peel to minimize the potential for uncommon side effects. A daily care regimen is critical to achieving and maintaining optimal skin health. While professional treatments are just as important for the health of your skin, doing your part on a daily basis to improve and maintain the results of those treatments is the key.
Who cannot receive a chemical peel?
You can NOT receive a chemical peel If you have active herpes simplex (cold sores) on the treatment area, if you are allergic to aspirin, or if you have had a sunburn, significant sun exposure or wind-burn within the last 2 weeks. If you have waxed your face, you must wait at least 72 hours to receive a chemical peel.

Chemical Peels in Pittsburgh
At Reveal Spa, we love chemical peels and the benefits they can provide your skin. If the goal of your peel is healthy, beautiful skin, then a progressive approach is usually the best choice. Your esthetician will determine the best peel for you on the day of your treatment and will only perform the peels deemed appropriate for your skin type, condition, concern and preparedness for treatment.